Empowering Diverse Communities through Purposeful Hiring

Get Me Jobs, a non-profit, is committed to providing meaningful employment opportunities for Veterans, Disabled, Minorities, LGBTQ+, Older workers, Refugees, and Indigenous people. Join our inclusive job board today!

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Transform Hiring

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Join Get Me Jobs Today!


Non-Profit Support

Beyond job listings, Promoting varied backgrounds, our platform provides tailored support, advocating for inclusivity in hiring, ensuring compliance, fostering fair, multifaceted workplaces.


Talent Partnership

We fervently promote inclusive hiring by partnering with employers for impactful change. Our strategic collaborations offer vital insights, emphasizing heterogeneous talent's value.


Diverse Advocacy

Promoting varied backgrounds, our platform provides tailored support, advocating for inclusivity in hiring, ensuring compliance, fostering fair, multifaceted workplaces.

Commitment To Wide-ranging Groups

We're More than Just a Hiring Platform

Our unwavering commitment is to empower Veterans, Individuals with disabilities, minorities, refugees, indigenous peoples, and seniors, providing work opportunities. Ensuring everyone has a chance to contribute their talents. Join us in our mission to create a more inclusive job market where diversity is celebrated, and individuals from all backgrounds thrive in fulfilling roles.

Our Solutions

Customized Solutions for Varied Hiring Requirements


Job Matches

Discover jobs, gain insights, align values with authentic tailored openings, supported by personalized salary insights


Connect with
Talent Network

Varied Job Seekers Hub for Veterans, Disabilities, Minorities, Women, Assorted Experiences, Shared Network Access.


Meaningful Connections

Value-driven connections matter. Engage with candidates at your discretion, paying only for interactions that align with your hiring objectives.


Free & Limitless Job Postings

Post numerous job listings without any charges. Our platform provides an accessible space for employers to share opportunities while enabling job seekers to discover their ideal roles effortlessly.


Job Visibility

Optimize your job listings' visibility with our premium placement feature, reaching a vast audience across 100+ job sites. Finding the right talent has never been simpler.



Our flexible recruitment solutions are designed to adapt to changing demands. Additionally, we also offer optional premium features or services tailored to accommodate specific needs or seasonal variations.

Get in Touch

Let's Connect & Make a Difference Together!

470 362 8594